2012 ICORE Teachers "Omics" Workshop
(July 13 -14, 2012 in ICBR Education and Training Lab, Chen Lab and Polfer Lab)
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the UF CPET program
ICORE 2011 Participants pictured in the front of the Emerging Pathogens Institute
Introduction of the Proteomics Lab by Ms. Drew Joseph from ICORE and Dr. Sixue Chen, Associate Professor from Biology Department |
Dr. Chen introduces the plant materials and the objectives of the proteomics experiments
Sample preparation
Protein extraction from control tomato leaves and pathogen-infected tomato leaves |
Dr. Chen chats with the teachers about sample preparation procedures
Tong Zhang, a graduate student from Chen lab works with a teacher
Lan Yang and Da Wang, two graduate students from Polfer lab work with the teachers
An interactive lab |
Michelle Chin, a high school student attends the workshop, Tong Zhang is helping with sample preparation
Jennifer Parker, a graduate student from Chen lab talks with the teachers
Drew and an undergraduate student work with the teachers
Tong Zhang talks with a teacher
Huizhuan Yan, a graduate student from Chen lab works with the teachers
A lot of hands-on experiments |
Dr. Chen gives a "omics" and systems biology lecture |
Jennifer and Huizhuan demonstrate protein gel electrophoresis |
Dr. Chen and Jennifer with the teachers |
Loading the samples onto the gel
Gel electrophoresis is COOL
A little discussion about stuff |
Drew amd Huizhuan help with the gel electrophoresis lab |
Jennifer and Tong help with the gel electrophoresis lab |
How to take the gel out? |
Take a good picture of the gel |
A nice separation of proteins, which band to cut? |
Stain-free gels work really well
Mass spectrometry lecture and demonstration by Drs. Cecilia Silva-Sanchez and Chen
Protein in-gel digest spotting on MALDI sample plate |
Acquiring and inspecting MALDI-TOF peptide fingerprints
MALDI-TOF/TOF instrument used for the workshop
Acquiring and analyzing more peptide mass fingerprints for protein identification |
Dr. Chen introduces nanoflow LC-MS/MS
Quadrupole ion trap and nanoflow HPLC technology
LC-MS/MS data inspection |
State-of-the-art Orbitrap technology |
A lot of interactions |
Proteomics workshop is FUN |