Students & Professionals

Dr. Biswa
Misra – Postdoctoral Associate

Dr. Mi-Jeong Yoo - Postdoctoral

Tong Zhang- Ph.D. Graduate

Joe Collins- Ph.D. Graduate

Sisi Geng - Ph.D. Graduate

Kelly Balmant - Ph.D. Graduate

Zepeng Yin - Ph.D. Graduate

Sheldon Lawrence – Ph.D. Graduate

Acikgoz- HHMI Undergraduate Student

Ning Zhu - Biological Scientist
and Lab Manager

Leo Zhu- HHMI Undergraduate

Natasha Philips-
Undergraduate Student

Dr. Bing Yu- Visiting Scholar

Islam Mostafa Abdo
Bayom- Visiting Scholar

Juan M. Gonzales – Undergraduate

Vitrell L. McNair Sherif –
Administrative Assistant

Chen- Principal Investigator

Ma - Ph.D. Graduate Student

ENGLISH is the official language
in Chen lab, no other language is allowed for scientific communication in
the lab. However, initiative to learn another language is encouraged.

in Proteomics Facility, Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research
row (left to right): Dr. Jin Koh, Dr. Cecilia Silva-Sanchez, Dr. Sixue Chen
row (left to right): Ms. Ran Zheng, Ms. Marjorie Chow, Dr. Jinxi Li
mission of the ICBR Proteomics
and Mass Spectrometry facility is to provide superb proteomics services
to customers from University of Florida, the state. and the nation, and to
train and educate faculty, staff and students in state-of-the-art
proteomics technologies.
To contact Protein Biomarkers, e-mail ICBR-ProteinBiomarkers@ad.ufl.edu.
To contact Mass Spectrometry, e-mail ICBR-MassSpectrometry@ad.ufl.edu.
Crew Members of the Past

Jennifer Parker,
Ph.D. student, now at North
Carolina State Univ.

Wei Ji,
Visiting Professor, now Associate Professor at Northeast Agricultural Univ.

Lihong Liu,
Ph.D. student, co-advised, now at Zhejiang University

Mengmeng Zhu,
Ph.D. student and Postdoc Associate, now at PennState

Sheldon Lawrence,
Rotation Ph.D. graduate student

Lisa David, Lab

Huizhuan Yan,
Ph.D. graduate student

Jin Koh,
Postdoctoral Associate

Johanna M. Strul, Undergraduate student, graduated and
now works at Dow AgroSciences, San Francisco

Sarah Yi,
Undergraduate student, graduated and now in Med school

Michelle Foele, Undergraduate
student, graduated and now works at BP Oil Company, DC

Michelle Chin, high school student from West Shore High
School in Melbourne, Florida

Dr. Gang Chen,
Visiting Scholar, now Professor at Yangzhou University, China

Antonio Clara Asnen Afonso
Lourenco, Visiting Ph.D. student from Lisboa

Dr. Yan He, graduated with Ph.D. from Chen lab, now
Professor at China Agricultural University

Dr. Qiuying Pang,
graduated with Ph.D., now Assistant Professor at Northeast Forestry
University, China

Dr. Shaojun Dai, Visiting Professor, now Professor at
Shanghai Normal University, China

Bing Chen, Research scientist,
moved to Cornell

Kwame Gyimah
and Justin Goldsmith, graduated from UF and moved on to graduate school

Khader Ghnem,
graduated from Georgetown University, now works at a biotech company

Kevin Cooper, rotation graduate

Hsieh, rotation graduate student

Michelle Chin, plans to attend UF
next year

Dr. Yazhou Chen, graduated with Ph.D., now Postdoctoral
Associate at John Innes Center, UK

Dr. Liqun Chen, visiting
Professor at China Agricultural University, Beijing, China

Dr. Xiufeng Yan, visiting
Professor at Northeast Forestry University, China

Dr. Sophie Alvarez
Post Doc Biological Scientist, Manager of Proteomics at Danforth Center

Dr. Shaojun Dai, visiting
Professor at Northeast Forestry University, China

Barbara Kahn
Rotation Graduate Student

Jennifer Sanford
SEAGEP Undergraduate Student

Jeanne Speichinger,
Biological Scientist, with Dr. Chen, now Ph.D. student at Washington Universtiy

Linda Abraham,
Rotation Student

Jing Gao,
Visiting MS Student

Scott McClung,
Mass Spec lab manager, Proteomics Division, ICBR, now engineer at Thermo

Alfred Chung, Peptide
Synthesis lab manager, Proteomics Division, ICBR, retired

Cindy Bryant,
Mass Spec lab technician, Proteomics Division, ICBR

Carolyn Diaz,
Mass Spec lab manager, Proteomics Division, ICBR, retired

Ning Zhu, Mass Spec lab
OPS technician, Proteomics Division, ICBR, now Chen lab manager

Marjorie Chow,
Biomarker lab manager, Proteomics Division, ICBR, retired